Mitsubishi Electric Around the World
Special Event Mexico
United to Reforest Mitsubishi Electric de México, S.A. de C.V.
April 2020
Manuel Alejandro Sierra Nacenta works as a human resources chief at Mitsubishi Electric de México, S.A. de C.V., in the Main Office at Tlalnepantla de Baz Estado de Mexico. He has a broad range of duties, including supervising recruitment and personnel selection, identifying new talent, training employees, verifying all offices are operating properly, and ensuring the company functions effectively and grows, by developing employee skills, all while ensuring proper administration of resources.

In August 2019, the company arranged a tree-planting activity as part of Mitsubishi Electric Eco Day. Manuel helped organise the event from start to finish. First, he analysed options to see how the company could best make an ecological contribution, and then made phone calls to employees so that they could volunteer to participate. Next, he searched for a location that would see the maximum benefit, finally settling on the small, south-central state of Morelos. After that, he looked up foundations dedicated to reforestation to see if they could offer any advice or assistance. Weekly reports were delivered to the director, and the project was organised over a three-month period.
At last, the day of the event came. Over 340 people attended, and together they planted around 1,400 new trees, creating a new lung for the community. Attendees marvelled at the gorgeous landscapes of the region and were touched to see families coming together for a common cause. The event was particularly important in Mexico, which suffers from deforestation, often due to illegal logging. Manuel treasures photos of the event, as they are a symbol of unity for both the company and the country.

Mitsubishi Electric is proud of these events, and encourages a greater sense of respect for nature. The unity shown also symbolises our values as a global company. We will continue to strive to bring people together to protect the planet we all share.

Mitsubishi Electric de México, S.A. De C.V. Main Office at Tlalnepantla de Baz, Estado de Mexico